King has been providing Medium and psychic readings for over 30 years.With the blessing of the spirits, he now transitioned to another mission : to help people discover their innate potential. His gift allows him to psychic abilities of children and grown-up and even give courses to help his students maintain balance in their life. Starting with only a handful of clients, it is meant to blossom into a prominent establishment when provided with enough resources to maintain a satisfactory level of formation for each and every individual who linages to pass the tests. Overall, his work to empower his fellow human beings both in France and in the US proves to be a mission on par with the actions of other other masters like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa who dedicated their life to others. he works for other’s spiritual well-being with an incomparable degree of application and consideration. So why wait? Like all the good things in life, he is waiting for you, ready to help, guide and advise you at anytime.